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  • Catherine Lewus

Cinnamon Rolls - Oh My!

I would say anything cinnamon is a YES in my book. And, then if you add sugar, a double YES! These cinnamon rolls came from Epicurious September 2014. The recipe can be found on the website under Our Favorite Cinnamon Rolls by Rhoda Boone. I had wanted to make them for a long time, and finally I did.

The dough is very sticky but rises so nicely and makes a very moist, yummy dough. The recipe makes 16 nice size buns. The picture shows only 8. I froze a pan for later when I need for a breakfast when company is here.

They took most of the morning to make between preparing the dough and then letting it rise twice. It was very comforting and lots of fun. Totally yummy!

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